Greetings and Salutations

    From your local IT Solutions Provider.

  • Online Store Now Available!

    We are proud to announce the opening of our new online shop.
    We aim to carry a few of the harder-to-find tech goods in the local area at a reasonable price.

  • Server Management

    From Data Center, to SMB, to the Cloud, Server Management, Monitoring, and Support just got a whole lot easier.

  • VoIP and PBX Systems

    Save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year by switching to digital voice services. Let us show you how.

  • PC Repair, Upgrades, and Builds

    Slow computer got you down? We can fix it or get you the best bang for your buck on a replacement.

  • Storage and Backup Solutions

    Custom-tailored for your workload demands with optimal speed, I/O, performance, flexibility, and scalability in mind.

  • Web Development and Hosting

    Give your internet presence the attention it deserves.

  • Refer a friend. Get paid.

    Send us a new customer, we'll send you $10 bucks per residential account, or $20 per business account. * Restrictions apply *

  • Find Your Happy Place.

    Rest easy, we've got your back. Let us do the heavy lifting so you can focus on what's important.

  • Credit Card and POS Systems

    Get a free mobile credit card reader and process up to $1,000 in sales for free with Square.

  • Under Construction

    Please bear with us while we revamp the website. Stay tuned for some major updates.